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Jul 14, 20213 min read
| approaching the end… |
As I reflect on these past two years, it’s difficult to write down all that God has done in me and through me. In this update, I’d love...

Apr 29, 20213 min read
| quite the ride… |
Within my role, I’ve helped lead a virtual version of our Connect Class through which we were able to launch 5 new small groups and...

Feb 12, 20212 min read
| pivot! |
Pivot. It’s been the to commonly used (and very much unwelcome) strategy for this past year. Not only is this true on a church level, but...

Oct 17, 20203 min read
| nomads |
God is on the move. I’ve seen it in my own heart, in the lives of my friends and I’m seeing it as a church. The narrative of this season...

Jul 31, 20201 min read
| one year later |
Today marks one year since I started my residency with Austin Stone! It's been crazy as I reflect on this past year, one with many...

Jun 25, 20202 min read
| steadfast |
It’s hard to actually comprehend what’s happening around us. It’s too overwhelming to keep up to date day to day with the news. It’s...

Apr 6, 20202 min read
| new normal |
As the reality of the effects of COVID-19 set in, I’m forced to face what has now become the “new normal”. It’s taken me at least three...

Mar 12, 20203 min read
| resting on rooftops |
Here we are, months into 2020, and as the newness of the change of year fades, I realize that I’m just as busy as the previous year. If I...

Dec 24, 20193 min read
| merry christmas |
Our Downtown Staff Christmas Party! So blessed and honored to serve alongside these men and women! God has surrounded me with people who...

Oct 11, 20193 min read
| different than i thought |
A repeated theme of my life when it comes to my plans is that, well, something else usually happens. Friends, I’m excited to let you know...

Aug 27, 20192 min read
| adjusting |
I’m incredibly humbled. It’s hard to explain the environment of the staff with Austin Stone, but I’ll try. This group of people...

Jul 31, 20192 min read
| faithful to provide |
Tomorrow starts the very first day of this two year adventure! A process that I’ve been thinking and praying about for over a year now....

Jul 8, 20191 min read
// support update //
I hope you all are recovering well from the celebrations and any firework burns you may have received over our nation’s birthday. I...

Jun 25, 20192 min read
| still quiet moments |
Sometimes God doesn’t work in the big extravagant ways we think he should. As I sit down to write this and think about what God has done...

May 25, 20192 min read
| adventures through Exodus |
Exodus is an interesting read. Started off pretty exciting but when you get into all the “cubits” and “acacia wood”, it can get rough....

Apr 25, 20192 min read
| the start of a new journey |
I’m currently typing this as sit thousands of miles from the ground on a flight marking the start of a new journey. (I literally just...

Apr 24, 20191 min read
// life update //
Friends, family and internet acquaintances, if you haven’t heard yet I’m so excited to let you know that on August 1st I will be starting...
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